Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dreams or just screwed up realities....

            I never really have good dreams or even if I do I don’t really remember them. What I do remember are the fucked up ones. I ain’t talking nightmares here. Just dreams which show me how sad my life really is.

            Like a couple of years ago I had this dream about getting a bike, or rather the process of getting a bike and then at the last moment my mom tells me that there is no chance in hell I will be allowed to get a bike. Now in reality that situation exists but how sad is my life that even in my dreams I can’t get a bike.

            Which brings me to why the sudden urge to write about dreams. Well last night I again had another fucked up dream in which I was very good friends with a really hot girl from my school and she confesses to me that she is still in love with her ex. How fucked up is that???

            Even in my dreams I cant get the girl of my dreams. How fucked up am I? General ponderings of an overused mind I guess…